In 2021 alone, humanity (and a few robots) will create 79 sextillion bytes of data. That’s nearly 10 million times the estimated number of grains of sand on Earth. And those 79 sextillion bytes of data are in addition to all the data we already have. So today, organizations everywhere are not just swimming in data; they are sinking into their own data quicksand.

When companies take the time to identify and understand their data, it becomes like gold. And just like gold, it needs to be protected.

But protecting the sprawling data landscape isn’t easy. When attackers exploit a weakness or mistake, it results in consequences that range from frightening (insider threat) to expensive (ransomware with multi-million-dollar liability).

We live in a time when more customers and businesses are feeling the impact of security breaches. This reality is driving the demand for transparency and accountability from those who hold and use their data. Companies are looking to deliver better privacy controls and data security programs. When business meets these demands while remaining flexible, they can rise to the challenges of tomorrow and drive business growth. Those who can execute in these areas can build long-lasting trust with customers while staying agile even as the data landscape shifts frequently.

Sadly, too many organizations make the strategic mistake of under-investing in data security. As the volume of data grows, so do the places that hold sensitive or valuable data, and inflexible tools or narrow point solutions rapidly prove inadequate, increasing data risk.

Join us for a webinar on June 30 to see why thousands rely on Guardium every day to protect their data.

Save your spot

Say “Yes” to the Business with Modern Data Security

What happens for organizations that do implement modern data security? Those organizations can integrate data security into the day-to-day workings of their Security Operations Center (SOC). They can automate routine tasks, like those associated with compliance regulations, freeing up their team’s focus to securing the data.

Investing in modern data security allows you to discover sensitive data and protect it in real-time. It enables security leaders to say “Yes!” when business owners call for more applications, more cloud data storage, or more SaaS services. When you invest in tools that are both more powerful and simpler to use, the skills gap can fade away. Those with modern data security capabilities can help their organizations advance into new markets, deliver applications faster, and address regulator and customer expectations.

Spend Your Valuable Time on the Most Pressing Problems

IBM Security Guardium’s risk-based scoring automates and speeds data security specialist’s work. It helps find risk without the tedious manual process found in other tools. Using patented predictive analytics, Guardium learns normal business operations and then automatically finds and alerts on high-risk anomalies. Customers can take advantage of both agent-based and agentless monitoring. This lets you monitor your modern data estate and uncover anomalies and threats that others can miss.

Stop Making Life So Complicated For Your Teams

Designed with your team’s goals in mind, Guardium brings intelligent workflows and point-and-click interfaces to a world plagued by complexity. Something as routine as generating a report should not require learning a new programming language. IBM has invested millions and is a leader in Enterprise Design Thinking. Guardium’s user experience (UX) is firmly rooted in design thinking principles.

Invest in Flexible, Open Technology

The growth rate of data isn’t showing any signs of slowing, and consumers are becoming savvier about how their data is used and protected. Guardium delivers the right flexibility for the future through an open platform compatible with your cloud goals and your business goals.

Guardium is a key part of IBM Cloud Pak for Security and runs on its flexible Kubernetes foundation, common across all IBM Cloud Paks. This integration allows Guardium to share deeper, context with other security teams like identity and the SOC to speed threat investigation and response.

Curious to see what IBM can do to prepare you for your future with data security? Join us on June 30 to become one of the thousands who rely on Guardium every day to help protect their most precious resource, their data.

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