March 4, 2016 By Pamela Cobb 2 min read

I had the pleasure of attending the IBM InterConnect conference in February, and my colleagues like to make fun of the fact that I plan my hotel stay so I strategically walk by a certain chocolate megastore on the Vegas Strip on my way to the conference. My passion for highlighting the great security research from IBM X-Force rivals my love of the combination of chocolate and peanut butter, so it’s a bonus I get to combine the two things at the InterConnect conference.

In 2015, we started integrating security research publications across the IBM Security division under the IBM X-Force name. After all, for over 20 years, the X-Force brand has stood for expert analysis and threat intelligence to educate and better protect clients. It’s with excitement that we are offering a two-part webinar series to highlight the latest trend research being published.

A New IBM X-Force Series

The upcoming “2015 Security by the Numbers: Trends and Insights From IBM X-Force” series will, at a macro level, discuss the recently released “2016 IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Report,” highlighting trends on cybercrime, emerging attack types and how breaches of durable personally identifiable information (PII) are offering attackers inroads to corporate networks.

Later in the month, we invite you to take a deep dive on the 2016 IBM X-Force Cyber Security Intelligence Index, which examines the major threats that IBM’s own Security Services clients faced in 2015. This will help you better understand the current threat landscape by offering a detailed look at the volume of attacks, the industries most affected, the most prevalent types of attacks and attackers and the key factors enabling them.

Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together

In both webinars, experts within IBM X-Force share their insights and recommendations on how to best protect your network and valuable digital assets. While financial gain is still a significant motivator for cybercriminals, it’s by no means the only one, as we see in both the macro industry trends and within our own client base.

Last year’s attackers branched out in a big way, inflicting physical damage and pilfering intellectual property and sensitive personal data, which they can, in turn, use to further infiltrate even bigger financial targets through social engineering.

Having these two publications under the IBM X-Force brand brings two great things together: the macro and micro look at the latest trends and the details on how they are affecting companies like yours.

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