May 8, 2017 By Mitch Mayne 2 min read

I recently had the chance to sit down with Paul Ferrillo and Chis Veltsos, authors of the book, “Take Back Control of Your Cyber Security Now.” In the interview, they both talked about recent high-profile malware attacks making news in the press. In most cases, the cybercriminals got in through insecure endpoints.

Take Back Control of Your Endpoint Security

Endpoint attacks made headlines throughout 2016, and if the past few months are any indication, 2017 isn’t shaping up to be all that different. Endpoints continue to be the favored unlocked window through which cybercriminals can climb, and companies struggle to secure an ever-shifting and virtually undefinable security perimeter.

IBM BigFix Detect can help keep endpoints more secure, according to CBI Cyber Security Solutions. In fact, it cited a number of new features that can help organizations not only see what’s happening across the entire endpoint landscape, but also take immediate action to stop threats before they wreak havoc across the network.

The Benefits of BigFix Detect

The CBI article offered an in-depth look at the changes BigFix Detect brings to securing endpoints, and the author didn’t mince words when discussing the benefits:

  • “I now have real-time visibility into things that happen on my managed devices in a way that I never had before. How many times have you heard of an end user reporting that malware is running on the machine? Have you ever wondered what all was really happening on the machine? Have you ever wanted to know in real time that bad things are happening?”
  • “I not only know what is happening on the machine, I also have a level one security analyst looking through the data for me automatically, telling me what I need to know about and what is going on in ways that are easy to understand.”
  • “Not only do I have the ability to see where something bad is happening within a couple of seconds, I can see all systems in my environment that are experiencing the same thing.”
  • “Then I can remediate within a few clicks.”

Learn More

Find out more about how BigFix Detect can give you the endpoint visibility you need, along with intelligent analysis, so you can remediate issues quickly by attending an upcoming BigFix Proof of Technology event.

Read the White paper: Go beyond attack detection to transform endpoint security

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