July 14, 2015 By Michelle Alvarez < 1 min read

Imagine a scenario: In a single day, a disgruntled employee downloads sensitive or confidential company documents, announces his or her resignation, and gives the inside scoop to a journalist friend. The revelations hit the headlines, and the company’s legal and public relations teams spend millions trying to repair the company’s tarnished brand.

While you’re busy guarding the perimeter, insiders can cause your business significant damage and financial loss. Whether breaches are caused by malicious individuals or just carelessness on the part of the employee, the 2015 IBM Cyber Security Intelligence Index found that 55 percent of attackers are insiders (nearly half are inadvertent actors).

This report, researched and written by the IBM Managed Security Services Threat Research group, examines the risks posed by individuals inside your organization who have access to proprietary information or sensitive data. What exactly are these insider threats, what types of damage and financial loss can they cause, and what can organizations do to protect themselves?

Read the full research report: Battling Security Threats From Within Your Organization

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