September 7, 2016 By John Harrington Jr. 3 min read

Awaiting Apple’s Annual Surprise

Since Apple issued its invitation to the media last week, mobile technology pundits and Apple fans have been abuzz with excitement, pondering what’s to come from the company that continues to surprise us. We can expect to learn the full swing of specifics during the keynote, when Apple is set to formally unveil its latest innovations, including the newest additions to its line of iPhones.

If history is any indication, we’ll also be able to mark our calendars for the release date of iOS 10 and macOS Sierra. iOS 10 will come standard on its newest iPhone models and be compatible with an assortment of earlier iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. Meanwhile, macOS Sierra, which replaces the old moniker of OS X, will power a new generation of MacBooks and iMacs and be available for upgrade for existing devices.

Five New Features to Watch

As we await the big news, here are five things IT can look forward to as iOS 10 and macOS nears enterprise doors.

1. More Secure Web Connections From Apps

When App Transport Security (ATS) support was announced with last year’s iOS 9 release, we were happy it would require stronger HTTPS connections, which are much less susceptible to infiltration. Though Apple has supported ATS for the past year, developers were allowed to opt out.

As announced at WWDC this summer, Apple will up the ante in the coming year by making ATS mandatory and imposing more stringent requirements as apps go through the App Store approval process. Apps that do not adhere to ATS standards must provide legitimate reasoning during the review process. Otherwise, they’ll be deemed impermissible for discovery, download or use.

In addition, support for older, more vulnerable cipher suites, such as RC4 and SSLv3, will be disabled.

Watch the on-demand webinar to learn more about how iOS 10 impacts your mobile strategy

2. Better Multitasking Across Apple Devices

For those who’ve invested heavily in Apple’s smorgasbord of mobile technology offerings — iPhones, iPads and Macs — new changes are in store with iOS 10 and macOS Sierra that will greatly impact the ease in which text, photos and videos can be shared between devices.

With Universal Clipboard, users will be able to copy contents from their iPhones and paste it directly into iPads via iCloud. This feature is sure to be a favorite in the workplace, where it’s common to pick up and leave off with new drafts and edited content between different device types.

3. Extended Support for App Notifications

By now, you’re accustomed to receiving text-based lock screen, pop-up and pull-down notifications from apps that have notifications enabled. With the latest version of iOS, developers will be able to get more creative in the level of detail they’re able to provide in their app notifications.

Depending on the type of app, these changes will drastically improve multitasking by providing users more context and ways to engage with fewer swipes and taps. For enterprise apps that contain proprietary information, notifications can be curtailed or turned off altogether to ensure the information is accessed by users within the apps themselves.

4. New Ways to Talk on the iPhone

To further support mobile working, Apple will open up a mobile device management API with iOS 10 that allows IT to customize the default phone app used for enterprise contacts. Incoming VoIP calls to these apps will be comparable to standard calls, displaying the contact’s picture, a reminder option and the ability to send a text message to the caller on the launch screen.

5. Same-Day Support for iOS 10 and macOS Sierra With IBM MaaS360

IBM MaaS360 is excited to announce its continued commitment to providing same-day support for the latest mobile operating system releases, including iOS 10 and macOS Sierra, as soon as each is available for download. It offers seamless support for all compatible iPhones, iPads, Macs and iPod Touch devices that complete their update without requiring additional steps or maintenance by IT.

MaaS360’s best-in-class cloud enterprise mobility management (EMM) platform will have you covered, whether you have a device that was enrolled prior to the update or a new device equipped with the latest technology.

Learn More About iOS 10

The MaaS360 team recently presented “iOS 10: More Power and Security for Your Mobile Strategy,” and the session is now available to watch on-demand. Watch the recording to better understand the new changes in detail and to ensure your organization is getting the most from devices equipped with Apple’s latest technology.

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