August 29, 2017 By Anna Seacat < 1 min read

Accelerated identity and access management (IAM) is the mantra of many identity-as-a-service (IDaaS) providers, and IBM is no exception. Cloud Identity Service, a market-leading full-stack IDaaS solution, provides speedy deployment, lightning-fast onboarding of software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications, increased time to value and on-demand scalability to IBM’s largest enterprise clients.

IBM’s enterprise clients are looking at the capabilities of IDaaS providers because they are actively innovating around mobile and the Internet of Things (IoT). Since competitive advantage in the areas of mobile and IoT largely depends on a first-to-market strategy, Cloud Identity Service is used by clients who need high availability and responsiveness to their demanding project needs and schedules.

Learn Why IBM Is One of the Top IDaaS Providers

During an exciting session at VMworld on Aug. 31, IBM will explain how Cloud Identity Service met exceptional demands of one of its largest clients by scaling from zero to six data centers in days. Steven Huntington, an offering manager at IBM, and Simon Kofkin-Hansen, IBM’s hybrid cloud chief technology officer (CTO), will provide an overview of Cloud Identity Service and explain how it is achieving the speed and agility IBM’s clients require.

Huntington and Kofkin-Hansen will share details about Cloud Identity Service’s use of IBM Cloud’s advanced automation and VMware’s Cloud Foundation SDDC platform. They will also share why VMware’s Cloud Foundation and IBM Cloud are perfectly matched to move or extend workloads to the cloud and achieve significant business advantage.

More Information

Learn more about the speed and agility of IBM Cloud Identity Service and why it stands out as a market leader among IDaaS providers.

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