September 19, 2018 By Joshua Stegall 2 min read

If you’re an IT managed service provider (MSP), there’s a tremendous opportunity to help your clients save money by providing a high-value endpoint security services while you receive a high margin of return in exchange.

More specifically, businesses today are desperate to increase their endpoint security posture. In fact, the endpoint has become one of the greatest network security risks. Many can do it in-house, but they’d prefer not to if they can find a provider who will save them money and do it better. You can be that provider. But how?

The Magnitude of the Endpoint Security Problem

Enterprise networks are becoming more and more complex as the mobility of the workforce increases. Organizations must secure their systems, all of which use a wide range of operating systems, from the desktop to the cloud.

Just keeping track of all of those devices and ensuring that they’re up to date and compliant with security protocols is a huge job. But the greatest challenge comes from all the devices on the network that the security team doesn’t know about. After all, you can’t fix what you can’t see.

The Opportunity for Managed Security Service Providers

IT and managed security service providers (MSSPs) need to offer services that close this visibility gap for businesses. You can do so by leveraging technologies that discover all network assets and provide real-time visibility into their security and compliance status. But don’t stop there — technologies that just provide visibility only solve half the problem. Implement solutions for your client that provide dynamic situational awareness and rapidly fix the problems it finds.

Endpoint technologies that require significant configuration to work in a customer environment will increase your customers’ cost, reduce their return on investment (ROI) and eat into the profit margins of your services. These are lose-lose scenarios from a business perspective. Instead, select a lightweight, easily deployable technology that ships with extensive out-of-the-box content to find and fix the myriad endpoint problems that businesses face, including:

  • Operating system and application patching;
  • Security configuration for system hardening;
  • Software inventories for authorized and unauthorized tracking; and
  • A nearly instantaneous query of endpoints.

The solution you choose should enable to you find and fix problems for your clients within hours and with minimal effort. The required manpower should be no more than a few clicks of the mouse to deliver compliance to your clients at levels above 98 percent.

Endpoints are the center of the malware universe. When organizations suffer data breaches, it’s because their endpoints have been compromised, exposing the data that resides in them. Continuous compliance and enforcement of endpoint security policies is no longer just nice to have; it’s a requirement that should be on the minds of all C-suite executives.

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