May 18, 2016 By Michael Ambrose 3 min read

Why a Mobile Security Strategy?

Mobile security is now becoming a regular topic in the boardroom as more and more companies realize that simply securing the device is not enough. A holistic mobile security strategy needs to cover not only devices, but data, applications and users as well.

Today’s mobile landscape is a diverse and varied playing field of various vendors for hardware, operating systems and applications. The mobile ecosystem can further be broken down into five distinct categories: applications, mobile Web, messaging, media and ads.

Companies must respond to employees’ growing need for mobility by providing access to enterprise data on the go. This is where mobile security comes to the fore. It allows enterprises to go mobile while mitigating the risks of a data breach or the loss of intellectual property.

Make the Most of Your Mobile Security

Here are five resources to help enterprises deploy a strong mobile security strategy.

1. Watch Videos on Securing the Mobile Enterprise

These three short videos should give you an overview of mobile security. They explain how to conquer the mobile security challenge and how mobile security works. This is a great introduction to the world of enterprise mobile security and how to look at it strategically.

2. Learn From Former Forrester Analyst Tyler Shields

Mobile security is a broad topic that encompasses a wide range of threats, including the loss of a device, data leakage, malware, app security and identity and access. With this long list in mind, it is important to take a holistic view of the landscape when developing a mobile security strategy.

In an interview series with IBM, former Forrester Analyst Tyler Shields discussed the need for a mobile security framework and explained how it can assist you in developing a strong strategy. This knowledge will serve as the foundation on which you can build your mobile security strategy.

3. Read the 2016 ISMG Study

With the “2016 Mobile Security & Business Transformation Study,” IBM wanted to focus on how mobile is impacting the enterprise with respect to productivity gains and business transformation. Because you can’t have mobile without thinking about security as well, the report also touched on real experiences with breaches, data leakage and security tools deployed in enterprises.

This study covers the mobile maturity landscape and provides great insight into the nuances of enterprise mobile security.

4. Download the Mobilephobia e-Guide and Watch the On-Demand Webinar

Mobilephobia is a family of fears frequently impacting CISOs and other security professionals. It is associated with embracing and deploying a mobile security strategy that enables access across the enterprise, the sharing of corporate data or interaction with associates, customers and other third parties via mobile devices and applications.

The white paper “Curing the Cause of Common Mobilephobia” and the corresponding webinar are excellent resources for overcoming your most common mobile fears. Take a look at the most common fears that CISOs are facing, as well as some suggested cures.

5. Review a Webinar on Surviving the Mobile Phenomenon

Mobility has forever transformed the way we work, communicate and socialize. Once a consumer-centric phenomenon, mobility benefits have compelled organizations to rapidly adopt it as a way to boost employee productivity and customer engagement.

As mobile grows, so do security threats. As a result, it is imperative that you take a holistic approach to developing a mobile security strategy to survive the mobile phenomenon. This webinar series, titled “Surviving the Mobile Phenomenon,” focuses on four aspects of mobile security and how to address them. It covers securing the device, its content, its applications and users.

These resources will help move you along on the mobile security journey. Most companies have something in place to address mobility, but a comprehensive strategy can help you leverage existing solutions and tie them into tasks such as securing applications, users and access.

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