July 2, 2018 By Evelyn Kim 3 min read

It used to be much easier to avoid cyberthreats: If you used antivirus software and knew how to avoid spam and online scams, your chances of staying safe were high.

Nowadays, cybercrime is much more devious, and the expansive reach of technology in every area of our lives makes us even more vulnerable. It’s become much more difficult to stay safe if you’re not knowledgeable about the changing face of threats, as well as new security technologies and best practices.

In light of these challenges, IBM Security teamed up with Atomic Entertainment and Science Channel to help educate people about cybersecurity and take them behind the scenes of the fight against cybercrime. We recognize that our friends and family members outside of the security industry do not fully understand the complicated nature of cybercrime today — or what it may mean for them personally — and we consider it our duty to help spread cyber awareness.

Take a look inside the dark world of cybercrime

Security Awareness Stems the Tide of Cybercrime

Most people do understand that there’s a growing number of threats, but many do not fully comprehend how all the data produced from online accounts and connected devices puts them at risk. People feel helpless when it comes to data security and protecting their personal data on the internet.

The documentary “Dark Web: Fighting Cybercrime” helps teach audiences about the nature of cybercrime, as well as the innovations in the security industry that are turning back the wave of cybercrime.

The heart of our motivation for producing this documentary is to increase awareness about cybersecurity. This knowledge will help our viewers make more conscious decisions about their actions regarding data and privacy.

We often hear about major breaches and leaked emails in the news. Legislators are also putting a spotlight on data sharing by social media and data mining companies. But what does the cybercrime landscape truly look like? On the flip side, what are public and private institutions doing about security?

These were the questions we were grappling with at the start of our project. We hope to bring the answers to these questions to light. After watching the show, we want you to be able to have more informed conversations about data security and demand that the organizations you buy from, work for and build keep security front of mind.

Explore the Dark Web and the Future of Security

The documentary is both informative and fun to watch because it explains how cybercrime evolved from the earliest days of the internet to today. It features interviews with respected experts in industry and academia, including several thought leaders and technologists at IBM Security who are working every day to fight cybercrime:

  • Bruce Schneier, advisor at IBM Security and a New York Times bestselling author, explains the history of cybercrime and the future of threats for our society.
  • Etay Maor, executive security advisor at IBM Security, shows real marketplaces in the Dark Web where criminals buy and sell ransomware.
  • Mary O’Brien, head of research and development at IBM Security, demonstrates how artificial intelligence (AI) is a game changer in the battle against cybercrime.
  • Caleb Barlow, vice president of threat intelligence at IBM Security, takes us through the impact of a cyberattack and the importance of readiness.

With the number of connected devices increasing — and cybercriminals only getting more organized — the cyberthreat attack surface is growing exponentially. People are more at risk every day. It’s both a thrilling and scary story to tell. Viewers will gain a more significant appreciation for the gravity of the threats, as well as the growing need for people to join the cybersecurity profession. We need more people to join us!

Don’t Miss ‘Dark Web: Fighting Cybercrime’ on July 19, 2018

At IBM Security, we have a relentless focus on protecting the world’s businesses and their customers. The inventions and research taking place in our labs and offices, especially in using AI in cybersecurity, are shaping the way modern companies detect, respond to and recover from cyberthreats.

We are humbled to play a role in the development of new security technologies like Watson for Cyber Security. Tune in to watch the documentary to get a glimpse of how human and machine intelligence are coming together to win the fight against cybercrime.

You can watch “Dark Web: Fighting Cybercrime” on Science Channel on July 19, 2018, at 5 p.m EDT. Check out a trailer of the show for a sneak peek — and mark your calendars!

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