September 20, 2017 By John Wheeler 3 min read

Many CISOs tell us one of their most difficult challenges is identifying, hiring and retaining top security talent with the skills, experience and passion to protect their organizations’ valuable brand against the dynamic cyberthreat landscape. It’s for this reason CISOs often turn to managed security services providers as a strategy to partner and supplement skills, which builds a more robust security program capable of operating 24/7/365 with high resilience.

At IBM Security, our global Managed Security Services has been partnering with clients for more than 20 years to deliver world-class security protection in over 133 countries around the world. And, our latest achievement is one we are proud and delighted to share, being that we were recognized as a Leader in the “IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Managed Security Services 2017 Vendor Assessment” (doc # US41320917, August 2017). The report notes that IBM is one of a few study participants whose MSS delivery can be considered truly global, in part because of its ability to integrate MSS and security services worldwide.

Read the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Managed Security Services 2017 Vendor Assessment

Growing Global Threats Demand Managed Security Services Transformation

With the evolution of the MSS market and advanced security services required to help client organizations deal with shift and the frequency of cyberthreats, no single approach or service will suffice. Although IBM has been delivering managed security services for more than 20 years, we have continuously transformed to serve our clients’ needs, strengthen our security intelligence and innovation, and create an ecosystem aimed at collaborating and sharing with other security intelligence organizations and clients around the globe.

Recent months have proven organizations need vigilant, round-the-clock managed security, sophisticated intelligence operations and global response teams ready to deal with cyberthreats. Both the WannaCry and Petya/NotPetya attacks were especially challenging for many organizations around the world.

As noted in the report, IBM has committed to the advancement of our managed security services offerings with increased investments in people, who are supported by cognitive innovations such as Watson for Cyber Security, and a global network of security operations centers (SOCs). This, together with our X-Force Incident Response and Intelligence Services (IRIS) team, delivers faster, more concise information to clients to make decisions and take evasive action when necessary.

MSS Helps Address Changing Jurisdictional Requirements

With various data protection rules and subsequent client needs, another key advantage that our global network of X-Force Command Centers offers is the localization and management of data within a specific jurisdiction, but maintaining the fluidity of seeing and responding to global security events as they happen.

We recently unveiled our European X-Force Command Center in Wroclaw, Poland, which is designed to assist our clients whose organizations fall within various jurisdictional obligations, but still require the oversight and intelligence of a full global network monitoring cyber incidents and events.

We’re All in This Together: Global Threats Require a Global Response

Earning top spot in an industry analyst report is no small accomplishment, and this is testament to our hard work and the realization of the IBM vision over several years. Global managed security services, along with innovation and subsequent incident and intelligence services, has become a critical necessity for several industries that do not have the time, the technology or the people to manage the deluge of threats and attacks.

At IBM Security, we are fortunate to have teams of like-minded people around the world who wake up each day ready to collaborate with their colleagues in faraway places to help serve our clients. But more importantly, we are grateful to our many clients around the world, and through their loyalty and belief in IBM Security, this great accolade was made possible.

For more information, read the complete IDC assessment.

Read the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Managed Security Services 2017 Vendor Assessment

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