May 4, 2015 By Rob Patey 2 min read

When dastardly devices of mobility carelessly connect to Wi-Fi… When miscreant malware moles its way into network systems, lying in wait for a surreptitious subterranean attack… When corporate documents are uploaded unknowingly to open file share sites by daft digital denizens… When access to work productivity apps is assaulted by pitiful user experience and security sinkholes… Call in the mobile avengers!

Protect Mobile Developments for Business Security

Together, the mobile avengers harness IT best practices for data and device security on a cloud more scalable and secure than Asgard. Marvel as the mobile avengers:

  • Smash hulking headaches of mobile deployment. Launching tablets and smartphones is good; giving access to Wi-Fi, email, files and apps with no mobile security agreement is bad. No encryption means data is not safe, and no management of what connects to who and where leaves you vulnerable. Enterprise mobility management (EMM) must not be slow, expensive or a burden to IT with cloud architecture.
  • Hammer away at content on the fly. Yea, lightning strikes of innovation rarely happen in the confines of darkened office halls; nay, innovation will striketh over hill, mountain or in shower. Give easy and secure content management to all of your kingdoms and business units. Mobile content management can oversee all sharing permissions while imbuing security features down to the document level, including cut-and-paste trickery to move data into other apps.
  • Armor up in the cloud. Adding new devices, operating systems, functionality, access controls and transaction-level security requires new suits of armor for IT to deflect system slowdowns and complete work stoppage. There are many suits to choose from in mobile protection today, from a separate workspace for transitory employees in health care to full device management for a clean sweep of all or some data. Smart money says to use a common heads-up display with one EMM centrifuge for every piece of functionality you need as you infuse more mobile into business operations. Sitting on a cloud frame also means powering up in minutes as opposed to waiting for a helicarrier full of equipment to deploy.

Shield Against Bad Apps and Malware

Mobile threat management is the newest shield slung directly at mobile malware’s underbelly. Alerts trigger proactive security policies to keep bad data quarantined and the device off the network. Next-level defense is happening now with software development kits for in-house app development security, bringing in developers to join the data captains of CISOs and IT enablement.

For those just joining the fray with a small arsenal of devices to support, mobile app management and a corporate app store are good training grounds in a controlled mobile state.

Slip Into Intranets and Content Repositories Faster

No one wants to mash their way into the data they need for business, especially not when access to SharePoint, file shares and intranets can be made native in feel and function regardless of manufacturer or operating system. With mobile gateways and secure Web browsing, seamless moves can be made into almost any system where your employees find what they need with graceful ease.

Ready to become a mobile avenger? Visit our tower of powerful information to get armed with videos, white papers and webinars that will empower your mobile security.

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