March 19, 2015 By Neil Jones < 1 min read

Why Does Mobile Application Security Elude So Many Organizations?

Customer needs and demands often affect mobile application security. For this study, the Ponemon Institute surveyed 640 individuals involved in the application development and security process in their organizations on the
following topics:

  • Why mobile application security eludes many organizations.
  • The difficulty in controlling employees’ risky behaviors.
  • Are organizations taking the right steps to secure mobile apps?

As shown in Figure 1 from the report, 77 percent of respondents rate the level of difficulty in securing apps as very high. Only 7 percent of respondents believe it is easy or a “piece of cake.”

Furthermore, 65 percent of the respondents strongly agreed that the security of mobile apps is sometimes put at risk because of expanding customer demand or need. More specifically, the “rush to release” phenomenon challenges an organization’s ability to address the risks of data leakage and malware.

Read the full report to learn more about the complex challenges organizations face when trying to combat mobile security issues.

Read the Ponemon Study on the State of Mobile Application Insecurity

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