May 31, 2013 By Anne Lescher 2 min read

It seems like everyone is rushing to keep up with the latest IT innovations supporting our business operations.  There is pressure to implement hot new state-of-the-art technologies supporting BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), cloud computing, mobile applications, social media, and data analytics all while allowing access to business partners, vendors and customers on the internet.  But these technologies can introduce a new set of threats and risks to your business environment.

Is the mainframe the perfect platform on which to implement these new technologies?

Many businesses overlook the potential of the mainframe as a flexible secure foundation for these new applications.  They forget the advantages that originally drew them to the mainframe such as security, data protection, system integrity, privacy, auditability, availability, business recovery, scalability, performance and more.  They forget that the mainframe can provide a strong security platform to build on that integrates hardware encryption, system architecture, operating system design, security software and secure middleware to protect applications and data.

In a recent Forrest survey commissioned by IBM, security leaders across North American and Western Europe were questioned about their company’s information security preferences.   The results of that survey remind us of the strengths that keep major Fortune 1000 companies running their production systems and data warehouses on the mainframe.  Here are some sample findings from the Forrester survey:

  • 97% percent of executives surveyed said that information security is highly critical to their company’s ability to compete in their market or industry
  • 91% percent of executives surveyed said that their company’s brand could be harmed if client and partner data was not handled securely
  • 88% percent of respondents felt that regulatory authorities are increasing the information security requirements for these companies’ applications and infrastructure
  • 65% percent of executives surveyed agreed that they have too many point security solutions
  • More than 90% of those surveyed and interviewed for this research felt that using a platform that has security natively designed into its architecture made the most sense
  • 87% percent of research participants recognized the mainframe as their most available, scalable, and secure platform.

The survey includes customer concerns on regulatory compliance, increased complexity in security management, essential characteristics and features of security platforms, and additional results we think you will find interesting. Especially the conclusion that: “The Modern Mainframe Shines As A Secure Application Platform”

<a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Secure The Enterprise With Confidence Using A Mainframe Infrastructure</a>


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