Some malware incidents will go down in history. The IT industry remembers 2006, for example, as the year of Stuxnet, an infamous worm that drew public attention to the insecurity of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and programmable logic controller (PLC) systems. I’m quite sure that 2016 will be similarly defined as the year of the distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack.

A New Breed of DDoS Attack

DDoS isn’t new. In fact, it has been a common cybercriminal tool for decades. And although this type of attack took down many popular websites in 2016, that’s not why DDoS defined the year in cybersecurity. Rather, 2016 will go down as the year cybercriminals began incorporating the Internet of Things (IoT) into DDoS campaigns on a wide scale.

This new breed of malware is designed to infect millions of IoT-connected devices — not to damage them directly, but to create massive botnets through phishing campaigns, ransomware and other ploys. These botnets facilitated many high-profile attacks that knocked out several prominent websites this past year. The method is not entirely new, but the scale and success of these campaigns are quite impressive.

DDoS Best Practices for 2017

Let’s look at it from the perspective of the owner of a device used to facilitate a DDoS attack. All kinds of connected devices, from cameras, smartphones and sensors to refrigerators, light fixtures and washing machines, are fair game. Many enterprises have proper mobile security controls in place to protect their devices, but regular users, in general, are not as well-prepared. When shopping for a refrigerator, for example, consumers rarely consider what operating system it runs or whether it has a virtual private network (VPN).

It is time for consumers and businesses to change this behavior for 2017. Users should educate themselves about the consequences of DDoS attacks and vendors should be held responsible for building effective security measures into their devices. Increased awareness is the key across the board.

Read the X-Force Research report: Extortion by distributed denial of service attack

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